Art. 13 of EU Reg. 2016/679 – GDPR

Dear user

Pursuant to Art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation – EU Reg. no. 2016/679 (GDPR), we provide you with the following information on the processing of personal data.

Data Controller

The owner of the processing of your personal data is the SERAPHICAL PROVINCE OF S. FRANCIS OF THE ORDER OF MINOR BROTHERS (hereinafter only “Seraphic Province of St. Francis O.F.M.” or “Owner”), with headquarters in ASSISI (PG) – 06081, Fraz. S. MARIA DEGLI ANGELI, Piazza Porziuncola 1, C.F./P.I. 00160170544, email

Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) appointed by the Provincia Serafica di S. Francesco O.F.M. can be contacted at the email address or by registered letter at the offices of the Provincia Serafica di S. Francesco O.F.M.

Purposes of processing

We process your personal data for the fulfillment of administrative and accounting activities related to your donation. With your consent to receive communications, your name and email may be used by the Seraphic Province of St. Francis O.F.M. to send you a thank you message. Should you decide to leave a comment, it will be acquired by the Seraphic Province and published on the Perdono di Assisi website.

With your consent, your name and email address will be used to send you communications regarding activities, events and initiatives proposed by the Seraphic Province of St. Francis O.F.M.

Legal basis of the processing

The processing of personal data necessary to make the donation is based on the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject and the consent of the Data Subject. The publication of the comment is based on the consent of the Interested Party.

The sending of informative and promotional communications about the activities and initiatives of the Seraphic Province of St. Francis O.F.M. is based on your consent.

Payment management

The information used for payment by credit card, bank transfer or other means is acquired directly by the operator of the payment service you have chosen to make the donation. Please read the Disclosure provided by the operator of your chosen payment service.

Optional or compulsory nature of providing personal data

personal data are necessary to make the donation and related administrative and accounting activities, according to the provisions of the law. Failure to provide the data will make it impossible to make the donation. Posting a comment is optional, failing which it will still be possible to make the donation.

The provision of personal data requested for informational and commercial purposes is optional. Without it, the Seraphic Province will not be able to inform you about events, courses, initiatives, offers and promotions of the Friars Minor of the Seraphic Province of St. Francis O.F.M.

Duration of processing

Your personal data will be processed:

  • until the purpose for which the personal data are processed is achieved and also thereafter for the performance of administrative and accounting activities related to the donation;
  • to the extent strictly necessary for the fulfilment of the legal obligations to which the Seraphic Province of St Francis O.F.M. is subject;
  • until the consent is revoked, when the processing is based on it (revocation, however, does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before revocation);
  • in case a comment is posted at the time of donation, the comment may remain visible on the website until the next Forgiveness of Assisi event.

Recipients of your personal data

For the above purposes, your personal data may be disclosed to:

  • friars and employees of the Seraphic Province of St. Francis O.F.M., limited to what is necessary for the performance of their duties;
  • Subjects who can access the data by virtue of a provision of law, regulation or EU legislation, within the limits provided by these rules (e.g. Public Authority);
  • third parties, to the extent necessary to carry out their duties on behalf of the Seraphic Province of St. Francis O.F.M., subject to a letter of appointment imposing the duty of confidentiality and security of the data, appointed where necessary as data controllers
  • in case of posting a comment on the occasion of the donation, the comment will be visible to users of the Perdono di Assisi website;
  • Any other parties, to whom the current legal and/or contractual regulations provide for an obligation of disclosure.

Data transfer to non-EU countries

In order to offer users the services on the website, the Seraphic Province of St. Francis O.F.M. makes use of other operators to carry out certain activities necessary for the execution of the operations or services requested by users. Some operators are based or operate outside the European Union (so-called third countries).

Therefore, the use of the services on this website may involve the transfer of some personal data to countries outside the European Union. Such countries may have different data protection rules than Reg. EU 2016/679 – GDPR and therefore even less protective than the European ones (e.g., the absence of a supervisory authority to which to turn, the lack of recognition of the rights of the Data Subject).

Any transfer of data to countries outside the European Union takes place in compliance with EU Reg. 2016/679 – GDPR, on the basis of an adequacy decision of the European Commission, with the adoption of appropriate measures pursuant to Article 46 of the GDPR, such as standard data protection contractual clauses, or with the consent of the user. Where required for the transfer of personal data, consent is necessary for the performance of operations or services requested by users.

Rights of the Data Subject

Pursuant to Articles 7 and 15 et seq. of Reg. EU no. 2016/679 – GDPR, you have the right to:

  • Revoke the consent given, if the processing is based on it. Revocation of consent does not invalidate the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to revocation;
  • access your personal data in order to obtain information about the data processed;
  • Request rectification or updating of your personal data;
  • Obtain the deletion of your personal data when the conditions specified in Art. 17 of the GDPR;
  • Obtain the restriction of processing, in the cases provided for in Art. 18 of the GDPR;
  • receive your personal data or have them transferred, where technically possible, to another Data Controller, when the data are processed by automated means and the processing is based on the consent of the Data Subject, a contract to which the Data Subject is a party or contractual measures related thereto;
  • object to the processing of data for reasons related to your particular situation, when personal data are processed in the public interest, in the exercise of public authority vested in the Controller or in pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Controller. If personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, you may object to the processing without providing any reasons.

You may also lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (in Italy this is the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali) pursuant to Article 77 of the GDPR or appeal to the Judicial Authority pursuant to Article 79 of the GDPR.

How to exercise your rights

You may exercise the above rights at any time by sending an email to or a letter by registered mail to PROVINCIA SERAFICA DI S. FRANCESCO O.F.M. – COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE, Piazza Porziuncola 1, Fraz. S. MARIA DEGLI ANGELI, 06081 – ASSISI (PG).

For more information on the processing of personal data related to you can consult our Privacy Policy.

Update: 06.07.2024

Solennità del Perdono di Assisi
29 luglio – 4 agosto 2023
29-31 luglio 2023

ore 21.15 Triduo di preparazione
Presiede Sua Beatitudine Mons. Pierbattista Pizzaballa – Patriarca Latino di Gerusalemme 

29 luglio 2023

ore 16:30 Catechesi Penitenziale per tutti  “Guida all’esame di coscienza”
p. Stefano Nava OFM

1 agosto 2023 Apertura della Solennità del Perdono

ore 7:00 – Celebrazione Eucaristica
Presiede S. Mons. Domenico Sorrentino – Arcivescovo – Vescovo di Assisi – Nocera U. – Gualdo T. e Foligno

ore 8:30 Celebrazione Eucaristica

ore 11:00 Solenne Celebrazione Eucaristica
Presiede P. Massimo Fusarelli  OFM – Ministro Generale dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori

Processione di “apertura del Perdono”

ore 15:30 Celebrazione Eucaristica dei Pellegrini d’Abruzzo
Presiede M.R.P. Luciano De Giusti OFM – Ministro Provinciale dei Frati Minori di Abruzzo-Lazio

ore 17:00 Celebrazione Eucaristica

ore 19:00 Primi Vespri della Solennità e Pellegrinaggio della città di Assisi
Presiede S. MONs. Domenico Sorrentino – Arcivescovo – Vescovo di Assisi – Nocera U. – Gualdo T. e Foligno
Offerta dell’incenso da parte del Sindaco di Assisi, dott.ssa Stefania Proietti

ore 21:15 Veglia di Preghiera
Presiede M.R.P. Sergio Lorenzini OFM CAPP – Ministro Provinciale dei Frati Minori Cappuccini della Provincia Picena

2 agosto 2023 Dedicazione della Porziuncola e Solennità del Perdono

ore 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30, 16:30, 18:00 – Celebrazione Eucaristica

ore 11:30 – Solenne Celebrazione Eucaristica
Presiede Sua Beatitudine Mons. Pierbattista Pizzaballa – Patriarca Latino di Gerusalemme

ore 19:00 – Secondi Vespri della Solennità
Presiede M.R.P. Francesco Piloni OFM – Ministro Provinciale dei Frati Minori di Umbria e Sardegna

Basilica aperta fino alle ore 23:00
3 agosto 2023

ore 11:00 – Celebrazione Eucaristica
Presiede P. Massimo Fusarelli  OFM – Ministro Generale dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori

4 agosto 2023

ore 08:00 – Celebrazione Eucaristica
Presiede M.R.P. Luciano De Giusti OFM – Ministro Provinciale dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori di Abruzzo – Lazio

Il canto: durante le celebrazioni liturgiche solenni, sarà eseguito dalla Corale Porziuncola, diretta da P. Matteo Farraldeschi OFM, organista M. Jacopo Zembi.
La liturgia: durante le celebrazioni solenni, sarà guidata da P. Andrea Dall’amico OFM.

Altri Eventi

2 agosto 2023 Piazza Porziuncola, ore 14:30 – Arrivo della 41° Marcia Francescana Oggi con me (in Paradiso)

2 agosto 2023 Piazza Porziuncola, ore 21:30 – Concerto del Perdono 2023

3 agosto 2023 Piazza Porziuncola, ore 21:00 – Veglia di preghiera per i giovani a cura dei Frati Minori d’Italia

Scrivi la tua preghiera
Coordinate bancarie per donazione tramite bonifico bancario

Intestazione: Provincia Serafica di S. Francesco O.F.M.
Piazza Porziuncola,1 – SANTA MARIA DEGLI ANGELI – 06081 ASSISI

IBAN: IT 59 G 03069 09606 100000175281

Codice Swift: BCITITMM

Causale: Sostegno ai frati minori 

Donazione tramite bollettino postale

Intestazione: P. Direttore del “La Porziuncola”

Solemnity of the Pardon of Assisi
29 July – 4 August 2023
29 July – 31 July 2023

9.15 p.m. Preparatory Triduum
Presided over by His Beatitude Msgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa – Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

29 July 2023

16:30 Penitential Catechesis for all “Guide to the examination of conscience”
p. Stefano Nava OFM

1 August 2023 Opening of the Solemnity of Forgiveness

7:00 a.m. – Eucharistic Celebration
Presided over by His Excellency Monsignor Domenico Sorrentino – Archbishop – Bishop of Assisi – Nocera U. – Gualdo T. and Foligno

8:30 a.m. Eucharistic Celebration

11:00 a.m. Solemn Eucharistic Celebration
Presided over by Rev. Fr. Massimo Fusarelli OFM – Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor

Opening of the Forgiveness Procession

15:30 Eucharistic Celebration of the Pilgrims of Abruzzo
Presided over by M.R.P. Luciano De Giusti OFM – Minister Provincial of the Friars Minor of Abruzzo-Lazio

17:00 Eucharistic Celebration

19:00 First Vespers of the Solemnity and Pilgrimage of the city of Assisi
Presided over by His Excellency MONS. Domenico Sorrentino – Archbishop – Bishop of Assisi – Nocera U. – Gualdo T. and Foligno
Offering of incense by the Mayor of Assisi, Dr. Stefania Proietti

21:15 Prayer Vigil
Presided over by M.R.P. Sergio Lorenzini OFM CAPP – Provincial Minister of the Capuchin Friars Minor of the Picena Province

2 August 2023 Dedication of the Portiuncula and Solemnity of Forgiveness

7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30, 16:30, 18:00 – Eucharistic Celebration

11:30 a.m. – Solemn Eucharistic Celebration
Presided over by His Beatitude Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa – Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

19:00 – Second Vespers of the Solemnity
Presided over by M.R.P. Francesco Piloni OFM – Minister Provincial of the Friars Minor of Umbria and Sardinia

Basilica open until 11:00 p.m.
3 August 2023

11:00 a.m. – Eucharistic Celebration
Presided over by Rev. Fr. Massimo Fusarelli OFM – Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor

4 August 2023

11:00 a.m. – Eucharistic Celebration
Presided over by M.R.P. Luciano De Giusti OFM – Minister Provincial of the Order of Friars Minor of Abruzzo – Lazio

The song: during the solemn liturgical celebrations, will be performed by the Porziuncola Chorale, conducted by Fr. Matteo Farraldeschi OFM, organist M. Jacopo Zembi.
The liturgy: during the solemn celebrations, it will be led by Fr. Andrea Dall’amico OFM.

Other Events

2 August 2023 Piazza Porziuncola, 14:30 – Arrival of the 41st Franciscan March Today with me (in Paradise)

2 August 2023 Piazza Porziuncola, 21:30 – Forgiveness Concert 2023

3 August 2023 Piazza Porziuncola, 9:00 p.m. – Prayer Vigil for Young People by the Friars Minor of Italy